Counter Deconstruction

We had, in the lower level of our house, a proto–kitchen; space that was planned as a kitchen, but never quite completed. It included a thrust counter, probably planned as eating space. Since the space was never finished, this counter was a waste of space.

Counter with skirting removed

Time to make it go away. The trick will be cutting through the Formica top without making a mess, and refinishing the raw edge. I was able to salvage some of the edging from that part to be discarded. A little heat gun and scraper work got it free without damage.

Next step was setting up for the cut.

Setting up the cut
The Cut

It went pretty well, except that i had hoped to avoid scuffing the edging. But I salvaged plenty, so I just had to cut it back a bit more.

Edge prepared

Used a belt sander to get the raw edge in plane with the existing edge

Edging in place

Used a 45 degree router to match the top edge. Had to fix the floor. I did not do it the “right” way by pulling up and re-laying the existing floor. Just used some of the laminate material to fill the space and level it out. It will be mostly covered with a rug.

Floor patched

Last step, close it in. Could have added more cabinet space, I suppose. Maybe another time.

All done
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