A Horse’s Tale

I gave each kiddo a choice of 3-D print. Collin choose a cheetah – that worked out in a couple of tries.

Maddy wanted a horse – First try – print vertical – as downloaded.

Looks like the slicer missed support for one of the front legs. But, we also had a power hit in the middle of the print. Looks like a Star Trek transporter failure.

Next I tried standing. The slicer would not generate tree support for the head, so I went with traditional support.

Almost worked, but the tail and one leg got kicked over.

Next try – inverted.

Support looks reasonable

This one looks like it might work. Actually lost power during the print, but was able to resume. My fault – I was naughty and the ground fault tripped. If the skinny legs print successfully, we are home and dry.

You can see the “water line” where the print resumed.

And . . . Success! The “water line” could be sanded away, otherwise, looking pretty good.

Horse joins Legless Cheetah in the fountain
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