Solar Panel Monitor

It’s been cloudy enough this winter that the solar plant charging has not been able to keep up with demand. Short days and new consuming devices contribute to the problem. I have had to use a trickle charger to keep up.

I’d like to automate this process so that the back-up charger comes on when the panels can’t keep up. When the battery voltage drops below a certain level, the charger should take over.

Here is what I spec’d out.

Solar Monitor – RHR March 2020

Monitor voltage on solar installation and initiate back up charging
when voltage drops below 11 volts.

ESP8266 microprocessor so it can talk to the interwebs

Real Time Clock to time operations
OLED to display parameters
Measure voltage on AO (analog to digital line) via 5 to 1 voltage divider
Report to Adafruit IO

IF voltage falls below 11 volts, turn on trickle charger for one hour
Turn off and check voltage
If below 12 turn charger back on.


The schematic looks like this.
The voltage divider maps the charger range (up to 17 volts) to the ESP8266 ADC range (about 3 volts)

The Real Time Clock measures the charging time and any other timing requirements.

These LEDs indicate that the back up charger is active (red) or off (green)

and this relay actually controls the trickle charger.

The circuitry is kind of all over the place. From left to right: Proto board with relay and indicator LEDs, the ESP8266, protoboard with Real Time Clock, display and voltage divider. I’ll have to 3d print a case to stuff all this in.
It’s verking!

Next steps – add the IOT software to talk to the internet, actually wire in the trickle charger, and then come up with a case.

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