HDR Photo Experiment

I supported a KickStarter campaign for a device called Arsenal, which is a camera accessory that is supposed to help evaluate a scene and come up with an exposure plan.  The kindest thing I can say at this point is that it is a work in progress, but one of the things it does is take multiple photos for High Dynamic Range photography. The theory is that you take average, under exposed and over exposed images of the same scene and then stack them (in software).

I played a bit, and then took my own set of shots at sunrise.  I used Adobe Lightroom to stack and then process the images.

So, this is normal exposure.

Here’s over

And here is under

Finally here is the result after stacking and some processing in Lightroom.  Mostly a gradient filter to darken the sky relative to the forground.

Not too bad for a first attempt. You can see how each exposure contributes to the result  I’ve been watching a Lightroom tutorial on Youtube, and I think I’m beginning to get the hang of it.  

See: https://onlinephotographytraining.com/

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