Monthly Archives: June 2018

Lathe DRO Redux – Part 2

It’s finished!   I’ve completed the software, built the circuitry on protoboard, packaged it up and installed it. The software – since the Z axis used an iGaging scale and the X axis used a Harbor Freight caliper, I had to mash up two different Arudino sketches to deal with two different protocols, making sure […]

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Lathe DRO Redux – Part 1

You will recall that I built an X-axis (cross-slide) DRO for my Atlas-Craftsman Lathe using an Harbor Freight caliper. X Axis DRO I also had an iGaging setup for the Z (carriage)  axis, pretty much out of the box. So it turns out that several folks, most prominently Yuri has done a lot of work […]

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